Sprinkles Cupcakes at Disney Springs

Sprinkles Cupcakes Disney SpringsI’ve written many blogs about my favorite sweet treats at Walt Disney World, yes I’m a sugar addict!  I love cupcakes and was very disappointed about my favorite being removed from the Cheshire Café.  Even though there are many different cupcakes available at Walt Disney World, I was intrigued to find out about a new cupcake shop at Disney Springs.

My first view of Sprinkles was a little negative – I was not impressed with the line up outside of the store where I had to wait in 100-degree heat to get inside to order.   I studied the menu while I waited, but I knew what I wanted – the salty caramel.  My sister was opting for the key lime and we were anxious to try them.   When we finally made it inside (after a good 20 minutes in line) the customer at the register was still debating was flavor she wanted!   After 20 minutes in line, she got to the counter and proceeded to have a 10 minute conversation asking for input from the staff about what she should order!  I was losing my patience, but decided I had waited this long I may as well get them as I would never come back to get more.

I ordered our cupcakes and had them boxed up because we were just too hot and cranky.  We took them back to our resort (Saratoga Springs) and put them in the fridge for later.

Sprinkles Chocolate CupcakeWhen we finally got around to eating our cupcakes, I couldn’t believe it – they were delicious!!  It was the perfect mixture of sweetness with a hint of salt in the icing and the cake was moist and light.  This was honestly one of the best cupcakes I’ve ever eaten!

A couple of days later I found myself back in line at Sprinkles, I just had to have another.  This time we were smart and got 2 each to take back to the resort.  There is no doubt that this will be a ‘must visit’ on my Disney vacations going forward, but hopefully the lines will be shorter next time. Now if only I could figure out how to bring some cupcakes home to Toronto without ruining them….

Have you tried Sprinkles?  What did you think?

Cupcake ATM Sprinkles Selection