Pixie Dust Fan Disney Podcast Episode 78

Overrated or Underrated at Disney’s Hollywood Studios

This week it’s all about Hollywood Studios and Carrie and I are taking a hard look at some of the attractions and food options.  As we go through them we share our opinions if they are overrated or underrated.

Given that Hollywood Studios is so popular right now with the new reservation system, we thought it was a good time to offer opinions about what’s inside the park.  With all the hype – is Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge worth the hassle?  What about Slinky Dog Dash?  Should you be racing there when you get to Toy Story Land?  Find out what we think on this episode of the podcast.

Show Notes:

Find Gary Vaynerchuk online at: https://www.garyvaynerchuk.com

Jamie’s blog about how she brought a little Disney in to her wedding day is here:  https://www.pixiedustfan.com/how-i-brought-disney-in-to-my-wedding-day/

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Website: https://www.PixieDustFan.com

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Carrie on Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/muppetcrazy/

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