Pixie Dust Fan Podcast Episode 191

From Disney Cruise Line To Vacation Grocery Delivery

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Carrie and Francine are joined by Jessica and Landon who founded Vacation Grocery Delivery after working as Disney Cast Members.  This duo are charming, entertaining, genuine and fun!

Show Notes:

Order your groceries from Vacation Grocery Delivery  here: https://www.vacationgrocerydeliveryfl.com/ When asked where you hear about them use the code “pixiedustfan” for $5 off your first order! 

Our episode with Soul Duo was episode 58

Find Francine and Carrie online:

Website: https://PixieDustFan.com

Instagram: @PixieDustFan

Carrie on Instagram: @MuppetCrazy

Facebook: Pixie Dust Fan 

Pixie Dust Fan Facebook group: PixieDustFanGroup

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Find Pixie Dust Fan on YouTube: PixieDustFanSite

Podcast editing by Anna Cooper

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