Pixie Dust Fan Disney Podcast Episode 97

Planning our return to Walt Disney World

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On this episode Carrie and Francine contemplate and plan for their return to Walt Disney World.  What if they could only go for one day?  A grand slam of all four parks – how would they do it?  What 3 things would they make as a priority in each park for their trip back?  They haven’t been in forever, how do they pick?  Is it food?  Attractions?  Are the friends going to do the same things or will they need to go their separate ways to do it all in one day?

Show Notes:

To submit your voice clip to us to use on the podcast for the 100th episode, please email tink@pixiedustfan.com or submit to us via any social channels.

If you’d like to read up about afternoon tea at the Grand Floridian:  https://pixiedustfan.com/afternoon-tea-at-disneys-grand-floridian-resort/

Find Francine and Carrie online:

Website: https://PixieDustFan.com

Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/PixieDustFan

Carrie on Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/muppetcrazy/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PixieDustFan

Pixie Dust Fan Facebook group:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/pixiedustfangroup

Support Pixie Dust Fan https://pixiedustfan.com/support-pixie-dust-fan/

Find Pixie Dust Fan on YouTube:  https://www.youtube.com/c/Pixiedustfansite

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