There is something so relaxing about putting a puzzle together. It takes focus, patience and a little creativity. It forces you to look at things differently and clear your head of other distractions. Time can pass without notice when you sit down to concentrate on a puzzle, that’s why it is such a popular family activity. For families it brings you together to one common goal, forcing you to help each other find the pieces needed to move forward. Some of the best family conversations can be had over a great puzzle.
Now you throw in to the mix a great Disney puzzle and it makes the activity even more magical! There is a Disney puzzle suitable for any occasion – and all skill levels!
My sister is a huge puzzle fan and I inevitably end up buying her one or two for Christmas. She love the princess ones, but honestly I can’t go wrong with any of them. Although I will admit that she can get frustrated when there are TOO many pieces all the same color! Yes, I have heard that complaint from her 😉
Some of Becky’s Favourites
Let’s take a look at some of the Disney puzzles for all ages:
Everyone has to start somewhere! This cute little wooden puzzle is recommended for children 18 months to 3 years. Puzzles at this age encourage fine motor skills development and color recognition. Brought to you by Melissa and Doug, a couple with 6 kids of their own – they have a toy for EVERY stage of development!
If Frozen 2 is more your style
This foam puzzle is perfect for kids ages 4 and up with 25 soft pieces that are easy for the kids to hold.
When it’s time to graduate to 100 pieces, this Princess puzzle is perfect
For ages 6 and up this 100 piece puzzle features some of our favourite Disney princesses!
Now somewhere between the children’s puzzles and the more advanced puzzles – there are a few 500 piece puzzles, but not many!

With the similar colours this puzzle could be harder than it looks!
The really funny and intricate puzzles are all over 1,000 pieces. Not suitable for young kids, these puzzles could be a few evenings of quality family time while you figure out these!
Not only could I spend hours DOING these puzzles I could spend hours SEARCING for puzzles online!
But when you’re ready for the challenge – the ULTIMATE Disney Challenge and you are graduating from the 1,000 piece puzzle – there are two puzzles I found that would be EPIC – but would require too much room in my house to assemble!
At 40,320 pieces, this would be a challenge for anyone! But at $599 on Amazon, I won’t be buying it anytime soon!
And then there is this one, I think it’s awesome – but again… too big for my house and too expensive for me to buy:
I do love the thought of pulling together all of these classic memorable Disney moments in to one giant puzzle – but 40,320 pieces is so overwhelming! With my luck I would lose 1 or 2 pieces and discover it at the end!
Do you do puzzles at home? What’s the largest one you’ve done?
My favorite hobby. Disney Ravensburger 1000 piece puzzles! I’ve probably completed 20 or so. I love puzzle shopping as well!
There are so many great puzzles out there, it’s such a great activity!
I normally give my dad a puzzle as a gift at Christmas/Birthday (same day) he loves puzzles. However, he spent almost a month putting together the Pirates of the Caribbean by Thomas Kinkade. My dad said he will never do another Thomas Kinkade puzzle again. LOL….I have Peter Pan sitting in the closet. Ooops!
Oh I LOVE the Thomas Kinkade puzzles – but I bet they are difficult to do. Puzzles are just so much fun, you need to get to that Peter Pan one! 😉